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Are Your Windows Ready For Spring?

Spring has arrived bringing warmer weather to northwest Tennessee and southwest Virginia. Time to let the fresh mountain air and sunshine in! For many homeowners, it’s also time for spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning often includes tasks like changing the batteries in your smoke detectors, servicing your A/C unit, and more. It’s also a good time to give your windows some attention.

Read More: Home Maintenance Basics - Spring

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, taking proper care of your windows makes them easier to use and prevents unnecessary wear and tear, prolonging the life of your windows.

What You’ll Need

Start by gathering your supplies. Here’s a list to get you started:

  • A squeegee
  • Micro-fiber cloth
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Soap
  • A soft bristled brush
  • An extension pole (for hard-to-reach windows)

1. Clean The Windows

It’s important to clean your windows once or twice a year. Adding your windows to your spring cleaning routine is the perfect way to keep your windows in tip-top shape.

  • Use some all-purpose cleaner and a squeegee and/or microfiber cloth to clean the window panes (start inside)
  • Use a fresh microfiber cloth to dry the glass to prevent streaking
  • Don’t forget to clean the window sill
  • Repeat this process cleaning the outside of the window pane (if you live in a two-story home, here’s where that extension pole might come in handy)

2. Inspect The Windows

While you’re cleaning the windows, keep an eye out for any wear and tear your windows may have suffered over the winter. Freezing temperatures and ice can sometimes cause cracks, rot, and separation. Here are some things to check for:

  • Cracks in the glass or hardware
  • Gaps between seals
  • Issues with accessories like blinds and curtains
  • Chipping paint
  • Staining/discoloration

Read More: 7 Simple Tips for Greening Your Spring Cleaning

3. Lubricate The Window Hardware

To help prevent some of the issues above from appearing in the future, apply a silicone-based lubricate to your window hinges and tracks. This can also make it easier to open and close your windows following wintertime when windows are often used less and become harder to operate.

4. Clean The Screens

First, check all of your screens for rips and tears. You’ll want to replace any broken screens to help prevent bugs from making a home in your home.

Then be sure clean the screens to eliminate residue and dust. Remove the screen, spray it with water, and gently scrub it with soap and a soft bristled brush.

Read More: Spring Cleaning Checklist

Now that you’ve added your windows to your spring cleaning list, you’re ready to enjoy spring!