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MLS # | Status | Address | Price | Listing Agent | Amount |
9969165 | Active | 9.9 Acres Buttermilk Road, Gray, TN 37615 | $215,000 | Patti Burton | 2.5% |
9901966 | Active | 2008 AMERICAN Way, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $895,000 | Gina Hensley | 3% |
9969512 | Active | 304 Ashley Oaks Private Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663 | $245,000 | Janis Stapleton | 3% |
9970378 | Active | 220 Barger Road, Blountville, TN 37617 | $375,000 | Melinda Hatfield | 2.5% |
9967757 | Active | 905 Bloomingdale Pike, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $375,000 | Ricky Reed | 4% |
9967479 | Active | 1544 Brightridge Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $419,000 | Bob Ross | 2% |
9969540 | Active | 115-119 Broad Street, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $695,000 | John Moody | 3% |
9968515 | Pending | 1017 Burns Street, Kingsport, TN 37665 | $90,000 | Dawn Head | 2.5% |
9961420 | Active | 3046 Calton Hill, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $499,900 | Susan Freeman | 2.5% |
9957631 | Active | 218 Cedar Branch Road, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $525,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9969942 | Active | 193 Chandler Road, Fall Branch, TN 37656 | $279,000 | Teresa Myers | 2.5% |
9969152 | Active | 384 Chesterfield Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663 | $549,990 | Angela Rundle | 2.5% |
9962535 | Active | 141 Chippendale Square, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $749,900 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9968828 | Active | 137 Columbine Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $484,500 | Sheila Postell | 2.5% |
9965460 | Active | 159 Columbine Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $564,000 | Sheila Postell | 2.5% |
9965450 | Active | 161 Columbine Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $275,000 | Sheila Postell | 2.5% |
9965645 | Active | 301 Dodge Drive, Rogersville, TN 37857 | $1,400,000 | Alan Hill | 3% |
9967491 | Active | 341 East Haw Ridge Road, Piney Flats, TN 37686 | $1,322,000 | Allison Stewart | 2.5% |
9917299 | Active | 312 Eastley Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $24,500 | Val George | 4% |
9967652 | Active | 600 East Market Street, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $250,000 | Alan Hill | 3% |
376232 | Active | 4765 East Stone Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $400,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9959267 | Active | 1724 & 1728 Euclid Avenue, Bristol, VA 24201 | $130,000 | Colette George | 3% |
9967809 | Active | 1441 Fairview Road, Duffield, VA 24244 | $239,900 | Ricky Reed | 2.5% |
9959893 | Active | 8156 Fairview Road, Duffield, VA 24244 | $275,000 | Ricky Reed | 2.5% |
9968218 | Active | 544 Fleetwood Drive, B, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $290,000 | Jane Thornton | 2.5% |
264403 | Active | 205 Forest Court, Blountville, TN 37617 | $140,000 | Connie Salyer | 4% |
9969546 | Active | 120 Frisco Avenue, Church Hill, TN 37642 | $299,900 | David Odum | 3% |
9970252 | Active | 87 Gardenside Boulevard, Lebanon, VA 24266 | $399,000 | Lynn Fansler | 2.5% |
9950560 | Active | 0 Gray Pine Lane, Gate City, VA 24251 | $340,000 | Jessica Summers | 3% |
9961255 | Active Under Contract | 2116 Green Lane, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $259,900 | Sissy Hopson | 2.5% |
9965409 | Pending | 799 Hammond Avenue, Mount Carmel, TN 37645 | $305,000 | B.J. Walsh | 2.5% |
9963118 | Active | 2137 Hiara Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $12,000 | Cindy Hayworth | 5% |
9967165 | Active | 289 Hilton Road, Gate City, VA 24251 | $315,700 | Angela Rundle | 2.5% |
9969592 | Active | 5039 Lake Forest Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663 | $448,900 | Connie Salyer | 2.5% |
9961244 | Active | 3914 Leaf Point, Kingsport, TN 37663 | $639,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9937685 | Active | 3323 Lee Highway, Bristol, VA 24202 | $775,000 | John Moody | 3% |
9969086 | Active | 530 Lloyds Chapel Road, Church Hill, TN 37642 | $11,500 | Angela Rundle | 2.5% |
9964752 | Active | 637 Long Hollow Road, Nickelsville, VA 24271 | $350,000 | Jessica Summers | 2.5% |
9954052 | Active Under Contract | 1709 Longview Street, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $989,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
353623 | Active | Lot 4 Daniel Boone Road, Gate City, VA 24251 | $69,900 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9968458 | Active | Lot 9 Warrior Falls Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $32,500 | Ricky Reed | 3.5% |
9968457 | Active | Lot 8 Warrior Falls Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $32,500 | Ricky Reed | 3.5% |
9962142 | Active | 2046 Lowell Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $14,999 | Liesel Watkins | 3% |
9967553 | Active | 112 Lucy Road, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $395,000 | Carolyn Tichenor | 2.5% |
9967554 | Active | 112 Lucy Road, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $395,000 | Carolyn Tichenor | 2.5% |
9969972 | Active | 2204 Maxwell Avenue, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $180,000 | Cindy Hayworth | 2.5% |
9969594 | Active | 335 Mckenzie Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $399,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9968011 | Active | 705 New Beason Well Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $229,900 | B.J. Walsh | 2.5% |
9955605 | Active | 1201 North N & 1201 1/2 Street, Johnson City, TN 37615 | $205,000 | Janis Stapleton | 3% |
9958359 | Active | 105 Oak St. & Maple Street, Gray, TN 37615 | $298,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9968517 | Active | 209 Old Castle Road, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $620,000 | Jim Begley | 2.5% |
9968023 | Active | 3712 Orebank Road, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $348,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9962449 | Active | 128 Park Street, Gate City, VA 24251 | $299,000 | Jessica Summers | 2.5% |
9969210 | Active | 5247 Pioneer Place, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $289,000 | Ricky Reed | 2.5% |
9969868 | Active | 512 Pueblo Drive, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $1,300,000 | Connie Salyer | 2.5% |
9970205 | Active | 191 Quillen Drive, Gate City, VA 24251 | $329,000 | Lou Britt | 2.5% |
9967129 | Active | 1220 Radcliffe Avenue, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $109,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9942219 | Active | 763 Red Bud Lane, Honaker, VA 24260 | $3,100,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9959868 | Active | 1270 Ridgetop Trail, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $64,900 | Ricky Reed | 4% |
9966136 | Active | 143 Rippling Run, Kingsport, TN 37663 | $579,500 | Jane Thornton | 2.5% |
9968459 | Active | 7231 Rocky Fork Road, Wise, VA 24293 | $50,000 | Dawn Head | 2.5% |
9964627 | Pending | 4423 Rustic Way, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $294,900 | Carolyn Tichenor | 3% |
9969105 | Active | 3422 Silk Mill Place, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $629,000 | Dawn Head | 2.5% |
9970276 | Active | 721 South Sherbrooke Circle, Mount Carmel, TN 37645 | $599,500 | B.J. Walsh | 2.5% |
9966051 | Active | 1008 Stagshaw Lane, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $660,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9928590 | Active | 889 Summer Sound Road, Piney Flats, TN 37686 | $645,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9928590 | Active | 889 Summer Sound Road, Piney Flats, TN 37686 | $645,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9967620 | Active Under Contract | 847 Sunbright Road, Duffield, VA 24244 | $239,000 | Lou Britt | 2.5% |
9968707 | Active | 234 Taylor Road, Blountville, TN 37617 | $185,000 | B.J. Walsh | 2.5% |
9963350 | Active | Tbd Cassells Chapel Road, Dungannon, VA 24245 | $320,000 | Lou Britt | 2.5% |
9969135 | Active | Tbd Fairbanks Street, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $46,900 | Michael Adkins | 5% |
9970014 | Active | Tbd Foley Drive, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219 | $9,500 | Dawn Head | 4% |
9934737 | Active | Tbd Highway 11 W, Church Hill, TN 37642 | $199,900 | Angela Rundle | 3% |
9932063 | Active | Tbd Jimmy Hollow Road, Butler, TN 37640 | $274,000 | Cindy Hayworth | 4% |
9956034 | Active | Tbd Livingston Creek, Bristol, VA 24202 | $57,900 | Jessica Summers | 3% |
9957767 | Active | Tbd Pine Street, Weber City, VA 24290 | $18,000 | Lou Britt | 2.5% |
9967994 | Active | Tbd Reed Hollow Road, Gate City, VA 24251 | $149,000 | Jessica Summers | 2.5% |
9959200 | Active | Tbd Shelton Mission Road, Greeneville, TN 37743 | $79,999 | Jessica Summers | 2.5% |
9953775 | Active | Tbd Southwest Cherokee Road, Johnson City, TN 37604 | $697,500 | Liesel Watkins | 2.5% |
9959084 | Active | Tbd Waters Edge Road, Duffield, VA 24244 | $110,000 | Jessica Summers | 2.5% |
9970030 | Active | Tbd Weaver Hill Road, Johnson City, TN 37601 | $32,000 | Dawn Head | 4% |
9964885 | Active | 13747 U.S. Hwy 19, Lebanon, VA 24266 | $275,000 | Lynn Fansler | 3% |
9952368 | Active | 107 Vanderpool Private Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $298,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9962707 | Active | 43550 Veterans Memorial Highway, Pennington Gap, VA 24277 | $979,000 | John Moody | 3.5% |
9968764 | Active | 179 West Jackson Street, Gate City, VA 24251 | $144,900 | Lynn Fansler | 2.5% |
9966095 | Active | 312 West Main Street, 5, Jonesborough, TN 37659 | $228,000 | Connie Salyer | 3% |
9955110 | Active | 4214 West Stone Drive, Kingsport, TN 37660 | $1,095,000 | Gina Hensley | 3% |
9964612 | Active | 1209 White Street, Kingsport, TN 37664 | $444,000 | Colette George | 2.5% |