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Real Estate Tips

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Shield your dog from the rain with an Umbrella Leash. Perefect for the pet that doesn't like to get wet!

Mount a Self Grooming Brush on the wall to satisfy your cat's demands for scratchea and back rubs. 

A Paw Washer  will keep your dog from tracking mud into the house. Just add water, insert a paw and rotate the washer. Paws are delicately cleaned by silicone bristles.

Add peanut butter to a Silicone Licking Mat and put it on your shower wall. The tasty distraction will allow you to bathe your dog with little resistance.

A Glow in The Dark Ball is great for pets that like to play day and night, keeping them amused after the sun goes down. 

If your dog likes to hang it's head out the car window, try Dog Goggles to protect its eyes.