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Real Estate Tips

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6 Compromises Home Buyers Should Never Make

Buying a home is most likely the largest and one of the most important decisions of most people’s lives. Your home is also where you’re going to be spending a lot of time. In fact, one recent survey found that people spend an average of 62% of their waking time at home. In that case, you want to be sure that your home is your happy place.

It’s smart to be flexible when buying a new home, this can help ensure you get the best deal. However, there are some things you should not compromise on.

1. The Budget

To ensure you’ll be financially comfortable in your new home, make sure you look beyond the list price and consider all expenses including:

Read More: 7 Steps to Improve Your Credit Score For Your First Mortgage

2. Floor Plan

It is difficult and expensive to reconfigure a home's floor plan. If a home doesn't have the minimum number of rooms or the flow of the main living areas you want, you should cross it off your list.

3. School District

You should carefully consider your neighborhood's school district, and even get a map of its exact boundaries to make sure your home is within the correct district.

Read More: School Boundaries

4. Neighbors

You should pay attention to the condition of neighboring homes. Not only do you have to live with your neighbors on a daily basis, but they can affect our home's future resale value, too.

5. Commute

Test-drive the route between your home and office to be certain you're willing to make the commute every day.

6. Home Condition

Another budgetary aspect to consider is how much you’re willing to spend on renovations. If you fall in love with a fixer-upper but you’ve never taken on a major home project before, then you’re likely going to have to contract out a lot of work.

Read More: Factors That Can Decrease Home Value

Are you looking to buy a home? Let the Professionals at Blue Ridge Properties help! Our real estate brokers and agents have the hyper-local knowledge and experience to make your move smooth and successful. You can use our online tool to Find An Agent or call us at 423-247-4181 with any questions.