How Does Saved Listings Work?

To save a listing to your list of favorites, click into the listing you're interested in and simply click the "Save Listing" button from the listing details page.

You have now saved your listing!

To view your saved listings, click on the top " Saved Listings" link at the top of the screen near the menu. Save as many as you want and catalog them with this easy-to-use feature!

This feature works by storing an HTTP cookie on your machine to store and retrieve your list of favorites. To clear all favorite listings, simply clear out your browser's cookies (under the browser's settings).

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Save on Your Move

Moving can strain both your muscles and your budget, but think twice before deciding to handle the entire move on your own. Licensed movers are required to carry insurance which can lesson any risk involved in your move. That peace of mind may be well worth the cost. If you are one of the millions of people who plan to settle in a new location this year, these penny-pinching moving tips can help you do it efficiently and cost-effectively:
* Have a garage sale. Now is the time to get rid of clothes you haven't worn in a while and anything else you don't use. Not only will there be less for you to move, but you can make some extra money at the same time.
* Do the packing yourself. Why pay for boxes when you can sometimes get boxes from your supermarket or other local businesses? Also check with your local recycling center or see if your moving company sells used boxes at a discounted price.
* Save on packing materials. Instead of buying bubble wrap or packing peanuts, start saving your newspapers to use as wrapping when you move. You can also use items you are going to move as wrapping too, like blankets, towels and other linens.
* Shop around. Request estimates and make sure you understand what services are included in the price. Ask for and check references before selecting a moving company.