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Banish Back Pain

Sleeping on the wrong mattress can cause or worsen back pain; insufficient support can lead to bad posture, muscle strain and spine misalignment. But a new mattress can help alleviate back pain and lead to a better night's sleep. Keep this advice in mind when shopping for a mattress.
• Look for a balance between comfort and support. A too-firm mattress can cause aches and pains on pressure points, but a super soft mattress may not provide the necessary support.
• Buy the best. If you've ever experienced sleepless nights you know how valuable those eight hours can be. Consider the quality of the mattress rather than the price tag, and then once you have found a specific mattress that you like, you can comparison shop for price.
• There are many types of mattresses available, including the traditional innerspring, memory foam, latex, air and waterbeds. Try out a variety of mattresses to see which is most comfortable for you.
• Don't wait too long to buy a new mattress. If your current mattress has lost shape is lumpy or sags in the middle it's time to replace it. Consumer Reports suggests that a quality mattress should last for five to seven years.