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Real Estate Tips

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Safe and Sound

The well being of our family is priority all year, but is especially considered during the holidays when statistics about accidents abound. Most of us, with the possible exception of Clark Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, take extra precautions for the holiday season. If you are buying or selling a home, here are a few tips for safety and security that ensure a safe and happy home during the holidays, and all year long.
1. Protect little ones. Whether you are preparing for a visit from your grandkids, nieces and nephews, or you have kids of your own; a childproofing kit makes safety easy with grip-and-twist doorknob covers, latches and plug protectors.
2. Mark and secure entries. The holidays can be prime time for burglaries, but updating your locks with an electronic deadbolt system can provide added peace of mind. If you install a set with a numeric keypad, you'll never have to worry about leaving keys for your guests again. Mark your entry with path lights that clearly guide the way to the door.
3. Clear the air. Place an air purifier in the guest room and common areas to remove allergens (especially pet dander) and prevent the spread of cold and flu germs. Choose one with a true HEPA filter for maximum effectiveness.
4. Be fire smart. With holiday lights, candles and lots of cooking in the kitchen, it's important to be prepared. Safeguard your family by keeping an extinguisher on hand for small fires, and install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Check the batteries frequently to make sure they are in working order.
5. Equip your bath. It's a snap to convert your guest bath into a safer place for older guests and young children. Add a grab bar to make getting in and out of the tub easier, and a durable bath mat to help prevent slips in the shower.