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Real Estate Tips

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Suggestions for Measuring Square Footage of Homes

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) offers these suggestions for measuring square footage.
• Always start by measuring the outside of the house. Begin measuring from any corner and work your way around the house. Move counterclockwise so the numbers on your tape will be right side up.
• Measure from the exterior face of the walls. Include any features that are on the same level as the floor, such as chimneys and bay windows.
• If there are stairs, include them on every level they serve.
• When there are openings to the floor below, subtract the opening from that level.
• For split levels, measure each level. You can add multiple floor surfaces into one level if they are within two feet of each other.
• Exclude any areas, such as porches and converted garages, that are not finished or heated the same as the rest of the house.
Since most houses are not perfectly square, however, and since regulations may vary from one region to another, it is best to hire a professional appraiser for a truly accurate measurement of your home.
If you are ready to buy or sell a home, Blue Ridge Properties is here to help. Let our realtors guide you through this complicated process. Call today.