How Does Saved Listings Work?

To save a listing to your list of favorites, click into the listing you're interested in and simply click the "Save Listing" button from the listing details page.

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To view your saved listings, click on the top " Saved Listings" link at the top of the screen near the menu. Save as many as you want and catalog them with this easy-to-use feature!

This feature works by storing an HTTP cookie on your machine to store and retrieve your list of favorites. To clear all favorite listings, simply clear out your browser's cookies (under the browser's settings).

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Beautify your Bookshelves

Bookshelves have a tendency to collect not only books, but also papers, odds and ends, and dust. But designed creatively, they can make an attractive statement in your home. suggests these ways to brighten up your bookshelves.
Go Monochromatic.
Take the jumbled look out of books by making them look more uniform. Organize them by color or size, or turn their spines to the back so only the pages are visible.
Change Direction
Libraries place their books on the shelf vertically, but you don't have to. Make a few horizontal stacks of books to offer more than one look.
Decorate the back
The backs of shelves are an interesting place for color or design to shine through. Don't be afraid to paint the backs or cover them with colorful contact paper to add texture and depth.
Add interesting Objects
Mix in some non-book items to add variety and interest to your shelves. Decorative pieces, favorite souvenirs, plants, and framed pictures will give your bookshelves more personality.
Let objects breathe.
Don't cram your shelves with every book and collectible your own. Allow for empty space so your items don't look haphazard and cluttered.