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7 Questions to Ask Your Potential Realtor

Navigating any type of real estate transaction can be confusing and stressful. Whether you are buying or selling, you’ll likely need a realtor to help guide you through the process. With so many options, it can be tough to determine which real estate agent to work with. Of course your realtor should have all of the expert knowledge necessary to complete the buy or sell, but he or she should also be a partner who keeps your best interest in mind and works to help you reach your goals. How can you know if a realtor is right for you? Here are 7 questions you can ask to help you find the best agent for you.

1. How long have you been in real estate?

Or – how long have you been licensed? This is an important starter question. The more transactions an agent has completed, the more experience she or he has. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean a fresh agent is a bad thing. If you have found great rapport with a new agent, you can gauge their level of readiness with additional questions about their training, awards or honors, access to mentors, and the requirements for being hired at their current firm.

2. What makes you different from other realtors?

This is an opportunity for the agent to talk about her strengths and/or values. Important traits to look for may include:

·       Online marketing experience

·       Strong negotiation skills

·       Desire to put clients first

3. What’s your availability?

Is this their full-time job? Do they have specific work hours or can you contact them whenever you need to? Do they have any planned vacations? The goal here is to gauge how much time the agent will be able to dedicate to you.

4. How many listings do you currently have?

And do you have a good support team? You want your agent to have enough listings to indicate success, but not so many that you have to wait days to get a call back.

5. How can I reach you?

Good communication is vital, so it’s important to know how an agent communicates with clients. Make sure your desired forms of communication match up with theirs, and ensure that you will have a direct line to your agent.

6. How familiar are you with the area?

Whether you’re buying or selling, you want an agent with extensive knowledge on the local market. Find out how long they have been working in the area. You can ask them to back their answer up with local market information. Bonus points if they also live in the area.

7. Can you put me in contact with previous clients?

Talk with recent buyers and sellers. Ask about their experiences with the agent. Ask if they would recommend the agent to friends and family.

At Blue Ridge Properties, our real estate brokers and agents have a thorough knowledge of the real estate market in their communities. They know which neighborhoods will best fit clients' needs and budgets. They can inform you of local zoning and tax laws as well as where to obtain financing for the purchase of your property. You can use our Find An Agent tool to search for a hyperlocal, qualified agent to partner with.