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Real Estate Tips

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5 Tips for Finding the Right Realtor

Whether you’re moving down the street or across the country, finding the right real estate agent can be tricky. You want to make sure you’re working with someone you connect with and who can sell your property for top dollar and/or ensure you get the best deal on the home you buy. So, where do you start? What should you look for in a realtor? Here are 5 tips to help you find the right realtor for your moving needs.


1.     Ask Around

If you have the option, it’s a great idea to begin your search by asking trusted friends and family if they know any realtors they would personally recommend. This gives you the opportunity to freely ask questions and hear about real experiences – positive and negative. This is also an easy way to find a hyperlocal realtor. It’s important that your agent have a deep understanding of the community and market she or he is working within.


2.     Research Online

If you cannot acquire personal references, the internet is another great starting point. Even if you do get a few great personal references, it’s still a good idea to follow up with some additional research. Within minutes, you should be able to find a wealth of information about the realtors you are considering - years of experience, date of most recent listing, personal bios, additional reviews, and more. You can also look into realtors’ current listings to get an idea of their workload and a glance at the type of properties they typically work with.


3.     Interview Them

Once you’ve narrowed down your selection based on recommendations or online research, it’s time to interview your potential realtor. Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions, and listen for answers that are backed up with real data. Also note the questions the realtor may ask you – is he or she trying to learn more about you, your goals, and your needs or simply pressure you into a decision for commission?


4.     Choose the Person, Not the Experience

It’s important to ensure that your realtor has the required experience to successfully take you on as a client, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the agent with the most experience is the best agent for you. Some of the most important qualities of your realtor will have less to do with experience and more to do with the person. Find someone you respect and trust to have your best interest at heart. Look for strong core values like honesty, loyalty, passion, and compassion. Make sure they truly listen to you.


5.     Go With Your Gut

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many articles you’ve researched, reviews you’ve read, or advice you’ve heard. When it comes down to it, you have to trust yourself.


If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll be happy to help.