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Real Estate Tips

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Curtains: eye-catching, economical, eco-friendly

Curtains and other window treatments can make or break a room's dynamic. Traditionally thought to be an expensive decorating item, today's curtains are affordable, sustainable and fun.

Did you know you can transform a plain curtain with a floral, stenciled design, or a painted, geometric shape? Test out different color palettes, patterns and paint brushes to find the perfect complement to the room.

Not the artistic type? Try trimming your curtains in gold duct tape. It creates instant glamour, and nobody will guess your secret.

For a touch of rustic personality, try an unconventional curtain tieback made from hardware staples such as a brass ring, brass snap hook, and a cord all for less than $10. Attach several hooks to a repurposed beam or board from an old bench for a unique curtain rod.

Incorporating these simple accents in a room adds a decorative touch that can also help prevent heat loss in the colder months and heat gain in the warmer months.