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Secure Your Sliding Doors

Sliding glass doors serve as a stunning entry point that floods your house with natural light. However, burglars may view sliding doors as an easy way into your home. Don’t fret! Here’s how you can secure your sliding glass door, making it tougher to break into.

READ MORE: Make A Statement With Your Entry Way

  1. Purchase A Strong Lock

As with any point of entry, a strong, secure lock is essential. If the lock that came with your door is not satisfactory, replace the lock with a new one.

  1. Cover The Glass

Consider covering the glass part of the door to prevent people from being able to see inside your home. If you’re worried about blocking all of the natural light, a decorative film will get the job done while still letting light through.

READ MORE: Winterize Your Windows

  1. Cover The Glass With Security Film

Different from decorative film, protective film strengthens the glass so that it won’t shatter if it is hit.

  1. Install A Security Rod

A security rod can be placed on the sliding track to prevent the door from being opened. This is a good backup to have in place in case your lock fails.

READ MORE: Safe And Sound

  1. Look Into Security Systems

No matter what kind of doors you have, a home security system is a great way to prevent break-ins. Options include cameras, alarms, and sensors that alert you when a door is opened.